
Major Events
Foreign Ministers' Meeting

9th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2019

1. Opening Ceremony and Photo Session  ​2. First Session (1) Adoption of Agenda(2) 20th Anniversary of FEALAC, where are we and where are we going?3. Luncheon for the Heads of Delegations  4. Second Session(1) Presentation of the advances on the projects    - Development of value chains for a deeper integration between Latin America and the Asia Pacific (by the ECLAC)    - Reducing inequality in FEALAC Member Countries - Innovative Policymaking that leaves no one behind (by the ESCAP)(2) Adoption of Santo Domingo Declaration 5. Closing Ceremony (1) Welcoming of the next Regional Coordinators (2) Date and Venue of 10th FEALAC Meetings(3) Closing Remarks 

09 Nov 2019 ~ 09 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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8th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2017

1. Retreat Session (1) Towards a More Dynamic FEALAC – with emphasis on New FEALAC Action Plan and FEALAC Fund (2) Closing Remarks by Co-chairs  2. Opening Ceremony and Photo Session  3. Plenary Session I (1) Endorsement of the Agenda (2) Promoting East Asia-Latin America Cooperation amid Global Challenges  4. Luncheon for the Heads of Delegations  5. Plenary Session II (3) Promoting East Asia-Latin America Cooperation amid Global Challenges (continued) (4) Adoption of the Busan Declaration  6. Closing Ceremony (1) Welcoming of the next Regional Coordinators (2) Date and Venue of 9th FEALAC FMM (3) Closing Remarks 

31 Aug 2017 ~ 31 Aug 2017 Korea

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7th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2015

Declaration of San JoseIntroductionFEALAC on promoting Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable DevelopmentFEALAC and the Promotion of SustainableTourismPromoting Trade, Investment, Innovation and Small and Medium BusinessesFEALAC Cooperation in Culture, Youth, Gender and SportsFEALAC Promotes Science, Technology, Innovation and EducationFEALAC and Climate ChangeFEALAC 2015: Two regions, One VisionClosing

21 Aug 2015 ~ 21 Aug 2015 Costa Rica

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6th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2013

6th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM VI)June 13-14, 2013 in Bali, IndonesiaOutcome Document FMM VIULUWATU Declaration- FEALAC and the Global Architecture- Promoting Connectivity of FEALAC - FEALAC and the global challenges- From Santiago to Bali and Beyond- Closing

13 Jun 2013 ~ 14 Jun 2013 Indonesia

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5th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2011

5th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM V) (August 25, 2011)August 24-25, 2011 in Buenos Aries, ArgentinaThe Foreign Ministers of the member countries met to adopt the Buenos Aires Declaration and also to welcome admission of Republic of Honduras and Republic of Suriname of FEALAC. And they also welcomed the decision on the establishment of FEALAC Vision Group1. Adoption of the Agenda2. Admission of New Members3. Consideration and approval of the reports of the 11th and 12th Senior Officials Meetings4. Presentation by Foreign Ministers and heads of Delegation5. Presentation by Representatives of Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 6. Adoption of the Buenos Aires Declaration (Action Plan) and other documents 7. Election of Regional Coordinators8. Any other matters

25 Aug 2011 ~ 25 Aug 2011 Argentina

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4th FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2010

4th FEALAC Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM IV) (January 16, 2010)January 16-17, 2010 in Tokyo, JapanThe foreign ministers of the member countries met to present their joint declaration (see below), to offer their declaration on Haiti and to decide on the sub-group of Tourism and on the bi-regional center for the development of SME. We have included all 5 documents.Agenda1. Adoption of Agenda2. Admission of New members: Mongolia3. Approval of the reports of the 9th and 10th Senior Officials Meetings4. Statements by FEALAC members I5. Retreat Style Session- Environment and Sustainable Development- Financial and Economic Crisis/Social Inclusion6. Statements by FEALAC members II7. Adoption of the Tokyo Declaration and other documents8. Other matters

16 Jan 2010 ~ 17 Jan 2010 Japan

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3rd FEALAC Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2007

3rd Foreign Ministers´ Meeting (FMM-III) was held in Brasília, on the 22nd and 23rd of August, 2007. The Brasília Declaration, which summarized the agreement reached by the Ministers, was adopted during the meeting.The III Foreign Ministers´ Meeting gave priority to actions and initiatives that focus on the enhancement of friendly relations and mutual understanding between East Asia and Latin America; that promote cooperation in trade and investment; and that emphasize the importance of the international democratico rder, based on the principles of respect for national sovereignty and for human rights, the promotion of sustainable development and the strengthening and perfectioning of multilateralism.Foreign Ministers adopted 1) Statement on the Hostage Situation in Afghanistan and 2) Statement on the Solidarity with the People of Peru. During FMM-III, the Dominican Republic was officially admited as the 33rd member of FEALAC.A Business Meeting and an Academic Seminar were held alongside FMM-III. These side events brought together the business community and academic research institutions of the two regions, and also stimulated the participation of the media and NGOs./END/

22 Aug 2007 ~ 23 Aug 2007 Brazil

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Senior Officials' Meeting

22nd FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting 2024

22nd FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting Held virtually on March 5, 2024

05 Mar 2024 ~ 05 Mar 2024 Lao PDR

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21st FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting 2021

21st FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting Held virtually on November 30, 2021

30 Nov 2021 ~ 30 Nov 2021 Lao PDR

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Extraordinary Senior Officials' Meeting 2020

Extraordinary Senior Officials' MeetingNovember 26th, 2020 via Video Conference hosted by the Dominican Republic

26 Nov 2020 ~ 26 Nov 2020 Dominican Republic

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20th FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting 2019

20th Senior Officials' Meeting November 8th, 2019 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

08 Nov 2019 ~ 08 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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19th FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting 2018

19th Senior Officials' Meeting November 21, 2018 in Vientiane, Lao PDR Agenda1. Opening remarks by Regional Coordinators (Lao PDR & Guatemala)2. Adoption of Agenda3. Consideration of Working Group Reports4. The New FEALAC Action Plan5. Report on FEALAC Cyber Secretariat's Activities and Future Plans6. Welcoming the Next Latin American Regional Coordinator and Report on the Next FEALAC Official Meeting7. Other Matters8. Approval of the 19th SOM Report 9. Closing Remarks by Regional Coordinators (Lao PDR & Guatemala) 

19 Nov 2018 ~ 22 Nov 2018 Lao PDR

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18th FEALAC Senior Officials' Meeting 2017

1. Senior Officials’ Meeting: Session 1 – (1) Opening Remarks by Regional Coordinators (2) Adoption of Agenda (3) Consideration of Working Group Reports & Improving WG Operation (4) Coffee Break (5) Schedules & Logistics for the 8th FEALAC FMM (6) The 8th FEALAC FMM deliverables (FEALAC Fund, FEALAC New Action Plan, Busan Declaration) 2. Official Lunch for the Senior Official Meeting Leaders 3. Senior Officials’ Meeting: Session 2 – (1) FEALAC Cyber Secretariat’s activities and future plans (2) Schedules for other 2017-2018 FEALAC Meetings (including calendar) (3) Agenda items requiring further discussion and other matters (4) Designation of incoming Regional Coordinators and WG Co-chairs (5) Coffee Break (6) Approval of the 18th SOM Report (7) Closing Remarks by Regional Coordinators

30 Aug 2017 ~ 30 Aug 2017 Korea

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FEALAC Ad-hoc Senior Officials' Meeting 2016

2016 FEALAC Ad-hoc Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM)December 1, 2016 in Seoul, KoreaAgenda1. Adoption of the Agenda2. FEALAC Fund3. New FEALAC Action Plan4. Way Ahead5. Other Matters6. Adoption of the ad-hoc SOM Report

01 Dec 2016 ~ 01 Dec 2016 Korea

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Working Group Meeting

6th Science, Technology, Innovation and Education Working Group Meeting 2019

07 Nov 2019 ~ 07 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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6th Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports Working Group Meeting 2019

07 Nov 2019 ~ 07 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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6th Trade, Investment, Tourism and MSMEs Working Group Meeting 2019

07 Nov 2019 ~ 07 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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6th Socio-Political Cooperation and Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting 2019

07 Nov 2019 ~ 07 Nov 2019 Dominican Republic

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5th Science, Technology, Innovation and Education Working Group Meeting 2018

Agenda The 5th Science, Technology, Innovation and Education Working Group Meeting November 20, 2018 in Vientiane, Lao PDR1. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs (Panama and Japan)2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Presentation & Feedback on the national and regional projects carried since the 5th STIE WG Meeting    A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects4. Plans and proposals for new projects   A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects5. Discussion on the future Co-Chairs 6. Drafting and approval of the STIE WG report   7. Other Matters​  

20 Nov 2018 ~ 20 Nov 2018 Lao PDR

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5th Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports Working Group Meeting 2018

Agenda The 5th Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports Working Group Meeting November 20, 2018 in Vientiane, Lao PDR1. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs (Indonesia and Ecuador)2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Presentation & Feedback on the national and regional projects carried since the 5th CYGS WG Meeting    A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects4. Plans and proposals for new projects   A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects5. Discussion on the future Co-Chairs 6. Drafting and approval of the CYGS WG report   7. Other Matters​ 

20 Nov 2018 ~ 20 Nov 2018 Lao PDR

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5th Trade, Investment, Tourism and MSMEs Working Group Meeting 2018

Agenda The 5th Trade, Investment, Tourism and MSMEs Working Group Meeting November 20, 2018 in Vientiane, Lao PDR1. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs (Argentina and Korea)2. Adoption of the Agenda3. Presentation & Feedback on the national and regional projects carried since the 4th TITM WG Meeting    A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects4. Plans and proposals for new projects   A. National Projects    B. Regional Projects5. Discussion on the future Co-Chairs 6. Drafting and approval of the TITM WG report            7. Other Matters 

20 Nov 2018 ~ 20 Nov 2018 Lao PDR

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Support the strengthening of policies to monitor and promote the participation of MSMEs in cross-border goods and services e-commerce for an inclusive and sustainable pandemic response and recovery in East Asia and Latin America.

The project’s objectives are twofold: 1) To deepen the understanding of policymakers, businesses, researchers and other stakeholders in FEALAC countries regarding the micro and macro dynamics of e-commerce goods and services marketplaces and the challenges and opportunities for MSMEs to participate in this new area of domestic and foreign trade. 2) Propose policy recommendations - based on a review of policies and regulations on cross-border e-commerce in FEALAC countries – on how to monitor and promote the participation of MSMEs in cross-border goods and services e-commerce. Beneficiaries: This project benefits FEALAC member countries in both Southeast and East Asia and Latin America, building on existing work carried out by ECLAC and ESCAP. In the case of ECLAC, it has recently surveyed implemented e-commerce policies in Latin America, particular since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing that 9 out of 18 surveyed countries had a national strategy to promote and develop e-commerce. Of the other half, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Mexico indicated that the pandemic prompted the development of a national strategy, while the rest reported that a strategy was in progress. Moreover, ECLAC has worked on regulation on e-commerce in 13 countries in the region. This project would allow for the deepening and geographical broadening of its analysis of implemented policies and regulations. In the case of ESCAP, it has, mainly in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank and OECD, jointly carried out research and analysis to provide policy advice to governments . Furthermore, ESCAP in collaboration with ADB and OECD have organized capacity building activities. The work on expanding and deepening digital trade regulatory analysis in FEALAC member States in Asia will significantly contribute to reducing regulatory distance and enhancing the opportunity of cross-border digital trade between all FEALAC economies. This project will also provide an opportunity to explore the impacts of COVID on the development of e-commerce in FEALAC member states in Asia and their policy implications. Findings of the studies will be disseminated through multiple forums to ensure the visibility of the results and their policy implications. Finally, the project will include capacity building activities to ensure that analysts and policymakers from FEALAC countries are equipped with the right tools to efficiently use them to formulate better policies to enhance more sustainable and inclusive cross-border e-commerce strategies.

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Sharing Thailand’s development experience through webinars

Initiated in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand’s national project, titled “Sharing Thailand’s development experience through webinars” aims to provide holistic knowledge in development issues and tackle common challenges in travel distances and time differences in the FEALAC region through the provision of short-term webinar recordings from Thailand’s Annual International Training Courses (AITC), operated by Thailand International Development Agency (TICA). For 3 consecutive years, Thailand has been offering various AITC webinar recordings related to COVID-19 health measures and management, Public Health, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP), Climate Change and Environmental Issues, Agriculture and Food Security, and Others to all FEALAC member countries. This national project is not only a part of Thailand’s unceasing contribution to FEALAC but also another evidence of Thailand’s mission to strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In continuation with our project in 2021, this year, Thailand is pleased to offer 5 recordings from 5 AITC webinars to FEALAC member countries in the following topics: 1. Practical Sustainable Technology as a Tool to Tackle the Climate Change (Faculty of Engineering, Chiangmai University) 2. Early Childhood Health Promotion and Health Care Management Beyond COVID-19 Era (Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkhla Univeristy) 3. Sustainable Forest for Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Thailand: “harmonizing local people and forests in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” (Royal Forest Development, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) 4. The Next Normal with Sustainable Community-based Eco-tourism Development under 4P Model 2022 (Academic Service Center, Burapha University) 5. Food Safety Quality Infrastructure for Market Access for Developing countries (Mekong Institute) Therefore, Thailand wishes to invite all interested member countries to participate in this project and make use of the availability of knowledge in the above-mentioned webinar courses which contain important issues for advancing the FEALAC region and pusing forward FEALAC’s commitment towards the global development agenda.

14 Mar 2022 ~ 16 May 2023 Thailand

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2023 FEALAC Supporters Program

At the 9th Foreign Ministers' Meeting in the Dominican Republic, greater visibility for FEALAC was identified as a key need, as stated in the Declaration on "Strengthening the Institutional Framework of FEALAC". In response, the Republic of Korea and the Cyber Secretariat developed a Public Relations Program aimed at increasing FEALAC's visibility in Korea. These efforts build on the FEALAC Supporters Program that was launched in 2019 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of FEALAC. Comprised mainly of undergraduate and graduate students interested in FEALAC and the two regions, East Asia and Latin America, the FEALAC Supporters have organized various public relations events to introduce FEALAC to the Korean public. Korea aims to enhance FEALAC's visibility in the country and inform a wider audience about FEALAC's significance for Korea's foreign policy by actively using online platforms. To achieve this goal, Korea and the Cyber Secretariat have established popular social media accounts, such as a blog channel, Instagram, and YouTube, as part of the FEALAC Supporters Program.


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FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY)

The FEALAC University Discovery Year (FUDY) Programme welcomes semester exchange and short-term exchange students from FEALAC member country universities to apply to University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) to enrol in its non-graduating ptrogrammes. In addition to semester exchanges under FUDY, UBD welcomes FEALAC member university students to join our short- term summer programme known as the Global Discovery Programme (GDP) which runs every year in June/July/August. The programme is creit bearing and is designed to offer international students an opportunity to experience student-life in this culture-rich kingdom, in an academic setting which is stimulating, challenging and progressive. Further information here: https://ubd.edu.bn/admission/international-exchange/global-discovery-programme/ https://ubd.edu.bn/admission/international-exchange/ubd-student-exchange-programme/

03 Jan 2023 ~ 21 May 2023 Brunei Darussalam

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Diploma - XII Spanish and Mexican Culture for Diplomats

The Diplomats will be able to practice their reading and auditive comprehension, and their oral and written expression in Spanish. Analyze current issues on the national agenda. Become familiar with various instances of the Mexican government and entities of national political life, especially with the structure of the Mexican Foreign Ministry. Learn about the artistic and cultural aspects of Mexico.

07 Feb 2023 ~ 31 Mar 2023 Mexico

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2023 "Bridge to the Future" Training Camp for Young Leaders from China and Latin America

"Bridge to the Future" Training Camp for Young Leaders from China and Latin America is an initiative raised by President Xi Jinping during China-Latin America and the Caribbean Summit in 2014. It aims to invite 1000 young leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean countries to seminars, conferences and training camps in China in ten years.

14 May 2023 ~ 24 May 2023 China

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Introductory Seminar for Foreign Diplomats acredited to Mexico

Analyze current issues on the national agenda with an emphasis on trade, migration, security and consular issues and provide a contemporary vision of Mexican culture, fostering links with their counterparts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to generate formal and informal exchange spaces for creating professional links. Become familiar with various instances of the Mexican government and entities of national political life, especially with the structure of the Mexican Foreign Ministry. Learn about the artistic and cultural aspects of Mexico.

06 Jun 2023 ~ 29 Jun 2023 Mexico

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4th International Conference on "East Asia-Latin America Research Partners Dialogue"

The International Conference on "East Asia-Latin America Research Partners Dialogue" is proposed by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and aimed at strengthening dialogues between East Asia and Latin America Research Partners and providing intellectual support for the FEALAC.

12 Jun 2023 ~ 12 Jun 2023 China

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FEALAC Youth Summit 2023: Contributions for Climate Actions

1. To foster a greater public awareness regarding the existence and importance of FEALAC, including the use of FEALAC as an Indonesia’s foreign policy instrument in the East Asia and Latin America regions. 2. To follow up Indonesia’s commitment and initiative made in FEALAC Day 2022 i.e. to hold FEALAC Youth Summit 2023 as an avenue for second track diplomacy to stimulate FEALAC’s process through people-to-people contact. 3. To conduct a discourse on climate change and climate actions from young people’s point of views in FEALAC countries, in order to garner best practices and constructive inputs on climate change mitigations, as well as to incite a wider awareness on the impact of climate change to the economy and society

09 Jul 2023 ~ 13 Jul 2023 Indonesia

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2023 FEALAC Youth Language & Culture Exchange Program (LCEP)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea is pleased to propose the "FEALAC Youth Language & Culture Exchange Program (LCEP)" as a FEALAC regional cooperative project for the year 2023. This initiative, in collaboration with the FEALAC Cyber Secretariat, aims to foster stronger links and solidarity between all member countries by promoting public and cultural diplomacy, as well as people-to-people exchanges. The primary objective of this program is to enhance cultural understanding among the youth of FEALAC member countries in East Asia and Latin America. To ensure the success of this endeavor, FEALAC Regional Projects require the involvement of at least one country from each region. Therefore, we kindly request each FEALAC member country to recommend one to two university students who can participate in the program. The youth participants will have the opportunity to engage in immersive cultural experiences, interact with their counterparts from different countries, and develop a broader perspective of the FEALAC community. Through activities such as language learning, and cultural workshops, the project aims to facilitate meaningful connections and lasting friendships among the youth of East Asia and Latin America.

18 Aug 2023 ~ 09 Oct 2023 Korea

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2023 Voices of Young FEALAC: Ideas for a Better TITM Connection

In commemoration of FEALAC Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, in its capacity as the Co-chair of the TITM Working Group (Trade, Investment, Tourism, MSMEs), is hosting the event titled '2023 Voices of Young FEALAC: Ideas for a Better TITM Connection,' in collaboration with the FEALAC Cyber Secretariat. The primary objectives of this event are to hear the voices from the FEALAC youth for revitalizing the cooperative regional initiative between East Asia and Latin America, advance the institutionalization of the TITM Working Group, and nurture the next generation of FEALAC leaders. This event marks its second occurrence after the previous '2020 Voices of Young FEALAC: Ideas for a Better Connection.' This idea contest is being participated in by FEALAC Supporters, who have dedicated their efforts to enhance the visibility of FEALAC both domestically and internationally, and who have studied a range of cooperative initiatives and cases from FEALAC member countries. Above all, this year holds special value as they strive to identify methods to enhance the TITM cooperation projects for both East Asian and Latin American countries.

08 Sep 2023 ~ 08 Sep 2023 Korea

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21st FEALAC Journalist Visit Programme (JVP)

The JVP is Singapore’s annual national project under the FEALAC umbrella, which brings journalists from Latin America to Singapore, to enhance understanding between both regions at the people-to-people level. To date, Singapore has organised 20 runs of the JVP since 2000, hosting over 110 journalists from Latin America. This is the first run of the JVP after a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

23 Oct 2023 ~ 27 Oct 2023 Singapore

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FEALAC Journalist Visit Program 2023 - Post-Event Program in Indonesia

Capitalizing on FEALAC Journalists' Visit Program (JVP) organized annually by the Government of Singapore, Indonesia has invited FEALAC JVP 2023 participants to a post-event program in Jakarta. This initiative offers firsthand experiences of Indonesia's culture, history, political landscape, democracy, press freedom, and thriving economy. Through engagement with fellow journalists, this exchange enhances comprehension and strengthens regional bonds, fostering global collaboration and knowledge sharing.

28 Oct 2023 ~ 31 Oct 2023 Indonesia

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FEALAC World Tsunami Awareness Day

FEALAC World Tsunami Awareness Day was organized to raise awareness about the devastating impact of tsunamis and to promote disaster risk mitigation within the youth community in Ponorogo, Indonesia. By commemorating this day, we aim to encourage greater collaboration, share knowledge, and enhance youth resilience to mitigate the risks associated with tsunami.

09 Nov 2023 ~ 09 Nov 2023 Indonesia

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